MILES TO GO BEFORE I SLEEP: Growing Up Puer (Another Jungian Romance) by Daryl Sharp – Title 134

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From the introduction:

“Juxtaposing “Growing Up” and “Puer” may seem oxymoronic. But consider the mistaken belief that adolescence must be outgrown before one grows up. Au contraire; psychologically, the essence of the puer aeternus—his love of life, spontaneity, creative drive and urge to realize his potential—must accompany a man as he ages or he becomes dry, listless, and spiritless—the essence of negative senex, old man, not wise, but rather crotchety and irritable. This is like Gepetto advising Pinocchio (in some versions of the tale) to “Stay wood!”
In Miles to Go Before I Sleep, what Sharp started over thirty years ago in The Secret Raven reaches maturity, following C. G. Jung’s advice to any puer: go through it, not above it or away from it (as the untried puer might do).
—A.C. Review of Books, Toronto.

Miles To Go is a full-bodied blend of thinking and feeling, Logos and Eros—no running away. It is an exciting and compelling read, light-hearted but with gravitas—puer with wisdom
and tended wings.
—Melbourne Sentinel.

Daryl Sharp, M.A., B.Sc., B.J., is a graduate of the C. G. Jung Institute in Zurich and the author of many other books in this series. He is the publisher of Inner City Books in Toronto, Canada, where he has an analytic practice.

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Title 134. ISBN 9781894574365. Index. 128pp 2013

Additional information

Weight 0.25 kg
Dimensions 22 × 15 × 3 cm
Book Format

eBook, Softcover

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