MARIE-LOUISE VON FRANZ: The Classic Jungian and the Classic Jungian Tradition by Marie-Louise von Franz – Title 122

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Marie-Louise von Franz, Ph.D. (1915-1998), worked closely with C.G. Jung for almost thirty years. She is an acknowledged authority on the application of Jungian psychology to dreams, alchemical texts and fairy tales, and author of many books. Her titles in this series include Redemption Motifs in Fairy Tales (1980), On Divination and Synchronicity: The Psychology of Meaningful Chance (1980), Alchemy: An Introduction to the Symbolism and the Psychology (1980), The Cat: A Tale of Feminine Redemption (1999), and The Problem of the Puer Aeternus (2000).

This book consists of memories of Dr. von Franz by those who knew and loved her, with detailed appreciation of her life and work in the service of Jung’s school of analytical psychology. Among the contributors are Thomas B. Kirsch, Anne Maguire, James A. Hall, Barbara Davies, Daryl Sharp and Robert S. Henderson. An additional section explores what is meant by the “classic Jungian tradition,” which Dr. von Franz exemplified so substantially while putting her own unique stamp on it.

James A. Hall, M.D., is a graduate of the C.G. Jung Institute in Zürich and a retired analyst in Dallas, Texas. He is the author of two titles in this series: Jungian Dream Interpretation: A Handbook of Theory and Practice (1983) and The Jungian Experience: Analysis and Individuation (1986).

Daryl Sharp, B.Sc., B.J., M.A., is a Zürich graduate and publisher of Inner City Books in Toronto, Canada. He has written many volumes in this series, including Personality Types: Jung’s Model of Typology (1987), The SleepNot Trilogy (2005-07) and most recently, Jung Uncorked: Rare Vintages from the Cellar of Analytical Psychology.


Title 122. ISBN 9781894574235. Index. 128pp 2008
Edited by James A. Hall and Daryl Sharp

Additional information

Weight 0.25 kg
Dimensions 22 × 15 × 3 cm
Book Format

eBook, Softcover

Inner City Books