UNDER SATURN’S SHADOW: The Wounding and Healing of Men by James Hollis – Title 63

$10.00$25.00 (USD)

Out of print

Saturn was the Roman god who ate his children to stop them from usurping his power. Men have been psychologically and spiritually wounded by this legacy. Hollis offers a rich perspective on the secrets men carry in their hearts.

The Audiobook edition of this title is available from Amazon and other places where you buy your audiobooks.

You might be interested to view this video on “Is there a Connection Between Modern Masculinity and Mental Health?”, with Dr. Andrew Huberman & Dr. James Hollis.


Title 63. ISBN 9780919123649. Index. 144pp 1994

Additional information

Weight 0.25 kg
Dimensions 22 × 15 × 3 cm
Book Format

eBook, Softcover

Inner City Books